My Great Grandma lived to be 103 years old. She died 2 years ago. I was always kind of in awe at what all changes she had seen in her lifetime. She was born in a little cabin with no electricity. So to have died only 2 years ago, she saw some major inventions when they were first coming to life. I was always asking her questions about how it was when she was a young girl. I really tried to question her about the Great Depression. But I never got the stories and answers I wanted to hear. The only thing she would tell me is that they really wouldn't have know there was a depression in this part of the country if it hadn't been in the newspapers and such. She said they were so poor that the Depression didn't affect them like it did other people. And now in this time of an economic downturn, I can finally see what she means.
My town is a very poor town. Not all of us that live here are living in poverty. But the majority does. I don't think that most people around here know how bad it actually is in our country. Things always take longer to show up here than they do in the rest of the country. Even fashion fads. What was the big thing 2 seasons ago, is just now getting big here. Same thing goes for economics.
We haven't seen very many job layoffs or foreclosures here. People are actually living a better life now than we were this time last year. Last year, the gas prices were sky high and people were having to take from their food budgets to put gas in their car. And when you live in the country, a car is a must. When town is 10+ miles from your house, you pretty much have to have a car to get there. But we are much better off now since gas is only $1.84 a gallon vs. $3.95 last year!
I thought all was well here... Until last week. My husband logged on to view his retirement statement. We nearly fell over! We have no where NEAR what we thought we'd have. We have been looking at it everyday since then. In 2 days it's lost over $200!! I can't imagine how I would feel if we were close to retirement and lost all of our nest egg. I feel so bad for those people that have worked all their lives to retire to find out they have nothing left to retire on. So sad. It's enough to make you fall into a depression if you think about it long enough. I wonder how the world will be for my sons when they are young adults? Scary thoughts... I do know that there is a cycle of ups and downs in economics. I guess we are just on the downward side right now. I hope it's back on the upturn by the time my sons are older.
I still haven't decided on going back to work. If I do, it will only be 3 days a week. But I have to run it by my mom to see how she feels about keeping the two little ones after school until I get home. Once I talk to her, I guess I will call my old boss and see what my options are.
I think it would be awesome to be able to pick a time in history and just go there for a week.
I think it's amazing that your G. Grandmother only passed away 2 years ago! Thats a LONG time to live. She must have lived a great life though..Like you said, just to think about all the things that she has seen...Damn!
I've been tempted to just toss our retirement statements in the file without even looking at them!
Our economy has me scared shitless. Darrell is out of work yet again. We cannot get ahead at all no matter how much I work. It's sickening really when you think about it. I hope shit changes and soon for us and the future of our kids.
Good luck in your work decision! I love to hear history from older people - it's amazing to me.
We feel the same way about my hubby's 401K account - he has lost a lot in the last year!
It's a lot the same here, although there are a lot of businesses closing. Not many foreclosures though, that I've seen.
Thankfully, Doug's job is secure.
Wow, 102?? That is awesome. I'm sure she was able to share some really neat stories.
My parents lost a ton of money out of their retirement recently. It's so depressing. On one hand I feel lucky that it's not affecting Joe and I in that way since we're just starting out, but on the other hand this could happen again 20 or 30 years from now.
Thanks for coming by!
I live in Southeastern Ky!
The Red Neck Capital of the World!
BTW, Great post!
Thanks for stopping by my blog today! I love all of the comments, but hate that I will probably never have that many again. Your writing is wonderful, I was so entranced by your story of today's economy and your grandmother's story. Hope you have a great weekend.
The economy is scary right's so sad with so many losing their homes and jobs...a couple of my uncles have been laid off a week here , a week there..and now one uncle a month as far as he knows at the moment... thankfully at the hosp. my job is pretty secure...I hope it stays that way...
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